Monday, September 22, 2014

Week One

So, there was a flood out here last week. A massive, hold on to your hear strings, torrential down pour which sadly led to a man dying. It was surreal to feel like the sky was coming down all around you and there was nowhere for all the water to go but down.

During the storm a toddler was in his room. He must have been listening to the rain thinking, "Holy Shit" and suddenly his room literally was ripped from the house & swept down in a muddy & murderous river. His room just came apart from the house and moved down river like some house boat in Tom Sawyer. The little boy was found stuck in the mud down the street. The neighbor that found him said the little boy was just sitting there staring at him covered in mud and wide eyed. The little boy was absolutely fine, shocked but fine.

What are the odds that a family's house sat on the perfect plot of land, in the perfect way for the flood to be close enough to rush by their house? What are the odds that the house was so weak it couldn't withstand the pressure and rush of a huge flood caravanning down the hill side? That the toddler is in his room in the perfect spot not to be injured by his room ripping from the side of the house and floating down stream? And that the little boy is removed from his floating house boat of a room only to land in the mud? Only to be seen by a neighbor? To be completely fine, alive, even when he can't swim? What are the mathematical odds that all those things are possible, probable but even more insanely real and true?

It seems like there are times it is impossible NOT to believe in miracles. To not see the design and magic of a event such as that one. I think if you refused to see the marvel of it all you would be missing out on a beautiful vision of our world. You would be missing the magic that is our lives.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Redheads melt Not tan

I am a redhead with freckles. I am a redhead with freckles born to be pasty and indoors from 9am-2pm (high sunburn time). I am a redhead with freckles who truly did see my pasty skin as something beautiful like a cold glass of whole fat milk sitting adorned next to a warm brownie or freshly baked oatmeal raisin-less cookies.  I am a redhead with freckles and newly smeared sunburn red.

I recently moved to the desert, Joshua Tree to be specific,  to become a 'military wife' and am now a ruby red, mucho freckled, sweat sticky redhead.  I say become because I most definitely was not born to be a 'military wife' the same way I was born with a predisposed sensitivity to sunlight. No, I find it to be a role one has to bend, stretch, and grow into. A role that requires a different frame of mind, heart, and patience.

As I sit in my new undecorated living room feeling the sunburn that is blooming on my shoulders and nose I have come to the realization that I have to do something with my time and life out here home-steading. Something other than take our new puppy out into the rattlesnake infested landscape called Joshua Tree and work from home as an consultant.

I have it! I'll write a blog! It's brilliant and so original!

Please forgive the formulaic way this blog came into being. It had no say in the matter and is not to blame for the unoriginality or lack of creativity in its creation.

So what will the blog be about? Surviving….Ah, Yes! Survival…to continue to live & exist…to grow and enjoy….to take pictures and cook….to love….to survive!