Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Birthday Meal

I think birthdays are so incredibly special. The world is such a massive place and in a single day we all come into contact with loads of people. At times life seems like one giant human interaction and most of the time your focused on someone else….or should be focused on someone else.

"Hello"...'is that my breath?'….
"I'll get that RFP out this afternoon"...'I'll run today and do yoga tomorrow'….
"I love you too"...'can I get Yogurt-land again tonight or is that excessive?'….

But for one simple day it can be all about You, YOu, YOU!!!! And I love that!

Living in the desert there aren't many delicious restaurants. Or really even restaurants that serve much else other than hambugers or pizza. So, I made myself dinner for my birthday out here. Something truly troubling and fatty:)

Quiche with Pepper and Asparagus 

adapted from Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child

Pie Crust

400 F

2 cups Flour
1 tsp Salt
1 1/2 sticks Butter -chilled and cut into small pieces
4 tbs Shortening - chilled
Ice Water 

Plop flour into bowl with salt. Mast butter and shortening in with hands (this the way my mom taught me and I refuse to do it any other way). When you get little pea sized pieces stop. Slowly add ice water a little at a time until the dough just holds together. As Ms. Child says, "…pliable, but not sticky." Let it chill out for an hour or so and them roll and put in pie pan. Prick with fork (like I did) or do it the right way and put some beans in there and bake at 400 degrees for 8-10 minutes. 

Quiche Itself

375 F

1 Yellow Pepper- deseeded and cut into 1 inch cubes
1 lb Asparagus - cut into 1 inch pieces
1 Shallot - diced
3 Garlic Cloves - minced
2 tbs Olive Oil
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Pepper
Lemon - juiced and zested

3 Eggs
1 cup Whipping Cream
1/2 cup Milk
1/4 cup Cheese of Choice- grated

Pre Baked Pie Shell

Alright take your peppers, asparagus, shallot, garlic, salt and pepper and throw it into a pan and get it cooking. Cook for about 10 minutes or so and remove from heat. Add zest and juice from lemon after the pan is off the burner. 

In a separate bowl beat your eggs and slowly add milk and whipping cream. Finally mix in your cheese!

Now you have your pre baked crust and your mixings for the quiche. Load the veggies on the bottom of the crust and then pour in the dairy/egg/cheese mixture. Plop it all in the oven at 375 degrees for 30-45 minutes. 

Not the prettiest of pictures but what you end up with is a quiche that is decadent and super creamy. In the states our idea of quiche is much eggy-er. This recipe will give you a sinfully succulent dairy filled quiche. Think custard and pudding and a savory steroid!

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